ASC Defense Ministry Recruitment 2021 for 100 Vacancies of Group C- 10th Pass Candidates can Apply

ASC Defense Ministry has released Group C vacancies of various posts including civil motor driver, cleaner, cook and various other. Candidates having required qualification as per the Official Notification can apply for the post before the last date. Before applying for the post, All candidates are advised to read the details carefully and also read the Official Notification.

Details of Posts, Age, Qualification, Pay Scale etc.

Post Name- Group C (civil motor driver, cleaner, cook etc.)

Total Posts- 100

Age- 18-25 yrs

Education Qualification- 10th passed. For driver post, candidate must have a valid Driving License and For Cook post; candidate must have good knowledge of cooking food.

Pay Scale- as per central government rule.

Application Fees

GEN/OBC/EWS Candidates- Rs.N/A

SC/ST/PH Candidates- Rs.N/A

Selection Process

Candidates will be selected on the basis of written exam/ skill test or interview.

How to Apply for ASC Defense Ministry Group C Recruitment 2021

Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post by sending the application with the required documents before the last date to the address given below-

पीठासीन अधिकारी, सिविलियन डायरेक्ट रिक्रूटमेंट बोर्ड, सीएचक्यू, एएससी सेंटर (साउथ)-2 एटीसी, अग्रम पोस्ट, बंगलुरु-07

Important Dates

Starting Date of the Application-12.06.2021

Closing Date of the Application-12.07.2021

Important Links

Official Website/ Official Notification- Click Here

*Complete advertisement is given in the Employment Newspaper on 12.06.2021.