WCL Graduate Apprentice, ITI Apprentice & Technician Apprentice Recruitment 2021 for 1281 Posts
Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) has recently released recruitment for the post of Graduate Apprentice, ITI Apprentice and Technician Apprentice. Candidates having required qualification as per the Official Notification can apply for the post before the last date. Before applying for the post, all candidates are advised to read the details carefully and also read the Official Notification.
Details of Posts, Age,
Qualification, Pay Scale etc.
Post Name-
Graduate Apprentice
(101 Posts), ITI Apprentice (965 Posts) and Technician Apprentice (215 Posts)
Total Posts-
18- 30 yrs
Qualification- (i) Graduate
Apprentice- Diploma in
relevant field, (ii) ITI Apprentice-
ITI in relevant field, (iii) Technician
Apprentice- Engineering Degree in relevant field
Pay Scale (Monthly)- (i) Graduate
Apprentice- Rs.9,000 (ii) ITI Apprentice- Rs.7,700/8,050 (iii) Technician Apprentice- Rs.8,000
Selection Process
Candidates will be selected on the
basis of the Performance in the Written Exam.
How to Apply for WCL Graduate
Apprentice, ITI Apprentice & Technician Apprentice Recruitment 2021
Interested and Eligible candidates can
apply for the post by submitting the application online with the required
documents before the last date.
Important Dates
Starting Date of Application- 06.09.2021
Closing Date of Application- 21.09.2021
Important Links
Official Notification- ITI
Apprentice | Graduate
Apprentice & Technician Apprentice
Apply Online- Click Here
Official Website- Click Here