BEG Roorkee Recruitment 2022 for 52 Posts of LDC, Storekeeper, MTS and Others
Bengal Engineer Group and Centre, Roorkee has recently released recruitment for the posts of Lower Division Clerk, Storekeeper-III, Civil Trade Instructor, Cook, MTS (Watchman, Gardener & Safaiwala), Lascar, Washerman and Barber. Interested candidates can apply for the post by sending the application with the required documents before the last date to the address given below-
The Commandant, Bengal Engineer Group and Cente, Roorkee, Haridwar, Uttarakhand- 247667
Total Vacancies: 52
Age: 18- 25 yrs
Qualification: 10th/ 12th pass from any recognized board of India.
Selection Process: The selection will be made on the basis of written exam and skill test.
Last Date for Sending the Application: Within 30 days of publishing the advertisement in Employment Newspaper.