Gig Jobs: Good Income Option for Freshers, Workforce will be 2.35 Crore in 2029-30

Covid has improved the demand for Gig Jobs in India and all over the World. According to the reports of NITI Aayog, there were a total of 77 lakh Gigworkers in 2020-21 and this will be 2.35 crores in 2029-30. Gig jobs are basically the type of work, which are not permanent and it's just like a project/task on a fixed pay. These works include Technology, Marketing, Construction, Business houses and many other works on a contract basis. 

Gig jobs have changed the format of classic jobs. This is a great option for the persons, who want to earn during their study time or don't want to do 9 to 5 jobs. During the Covid Period, due to the shortage of workers in the Quick Commerce, Health Tech, Fitness and Ecommerce sectors worker demand have increased.

Due to the changing in the recruitment process in different companies, the quick commerce field is growing by 300%. Candidates who graduated from college now get good job options in this field. 

Recruiters Getting Candidates from Small City Easily

According to the reports, recruiters are getting workers from small cities also just as Pondicherry, Mirzapur, Patna, Jabalpur, Kanpur and many other Tier 2 and 3 cities. Most of the Gig workers are young professionals. 32% are age group between 19- 25 yrs and 48% are between 26- 40 yrs, so young professionals are attracted to Freelancing in India.

In the Indian Gig Market, Marketing and Sales are the most demanding field. Companies have given lots of jobs in the field of Business Development, Field Sales, Online Delivery, Digital Promotion, Brand Promotion and Micro Influencers. Jobs related to the Business Development field have increased up to 500% and Field Sales Executives up to 374%.

Some of the Important Websites for Gig Jobs/Freelancer Work is Given Below-