Centre of BioMedical Research Lucknow Recruitment 2022 for Professor and Asst Professor
The Centre of BioMedical Research (CBMR) Lucknow has recently invited applications for the post of Professor & Assistant Professor in different departments.
Interested candidates can apply for the post by sending the application by speed post/registered post/courier. The envelope must be superscribed with the name of the post and department applied for with
Advertisement No. and addressed to the ‘Director, Centre of BioMedical Research
(CBMR), SGPGIMS Campus, Raebareli Road, Lucknow-226014, Uttar Pradesh.
Advertisement No. CBMR/RCT/002/2022.
Details of Posts are Professor- 01 Post and Assistant Professor- 10 Posts.
The upper age limit is 50 yrs for the Professor and 40 yrs for Assistant Professor as of the last date of receiving the application.
Educational Qualification & Experience is Ph.D. in the concerned field with a minimum of 14 yrs teaching/research experience for Professor and Ph.D. in the concerned field with a minimum of 03 yrs teaching/research experience for Assistant Professor.
The pay scale is Level 14A Pay Matrix, Rs.1,59,100-2,20,200/- for Professor, and Level 12 Pay Matrix, Rs.1,01,500-1,67,400/- for Assistant Professor.
A non-refundable application fee of Rs.2000/- for the general
category and Rs.1000/- for OBC/SC/ST/PwD/ EWS (Domiciled in the State of Uttar
The selection will be made on the basis of the interview test.
The last date for sending the application is 19/12/2022.