TRIFED Dy Manager Recruitment 2023, Starting Salary Rs.67700/month
Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation of India Limited (TRIFED) has recently invited application for the post of Dy. Manager on Deputation Basis for a period of 03 yrs. Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post by submitting the application before the last date. For more details, please check the given below post-
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Deputy Manager-04
TRIFED Recruitment 2023: Qualificatin, Age and Experience
Candidate must be holding equivalent/analogous post/level in
the Central Government Depts./State Govt. Depts/NationalState level Cooperative Corporations/Federations/PSU(Central
or State) with at least 5
years’ service in the post /grade.
Pay Scale
Rs.67700 - 208700 (Level - 11)
TRIFED Recruitment 2023- Selection Process
The selection will be made on the basis of Written Exam/Skill Test and/or Interview Test.
How to Apply for TRIFED Dy Manager Recruitment 2023
To apply, candidates need to send the application along with self-attested copies of the documents to the address given below by Speed Post/Registered Post-
TRIFED, Core 8, Ground Floor, NSIC Business Park, Okhla
Phase III, New Delhi - 110020
Last Date for Sending the Application