UP Prisons Administration & Reform Services Recruitment 2023 for 3504 Vacancies
UP Prisons Administration & Reform Services is going to recruit 3504 vacancies. Currently, there are various positions of Group 'A', 'B', 'C' and 'D' are vacant in different departments. At the present time, there are 156 posts available in Group 'A' and 107 posts are vacant.
Similarly, 326 posts of Group 'B' are vacant in 738 posts. Group 'C' and 'D' have 10,543 and 682 posts, In this 2808 and 263 posts are vacant. So, finally, 8769 posts are filled with staff in the 12,119 posts. Similarly, 2068 posts are vacant in a total of 7815 posts of Jail Warder.
The Department has also written a letter to the selection committee to take further action as soon as possible. In the Hospitals of Jail, there are 36 posts vacant a total of 153 posts of Medical Officers and recruitment for these posts will be done by the Medical and Health Department of Uttar Pradesh.
Similarly, there are 89 posts of Pharmacist vacant in the total of 149 posts and recruitment for these posts will be done by Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission
For more updates, please keep checking the official website of UP Prisons Administration & Reform Services also.