BPSC Recruitment 2023 for 170461 Posts of Teachers (Class 1 to 5/Class 9 to 10/ Class 11 to 12), Apply Online
Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) has recently invited application from permanent residents of Bihar for various positions of Teachers for Class 1 to 5, Class 9 to 10 and Class 11 to 12 under the Education Department, Govt. of Bihar. For more details, please check the given below post-
Advertisement No.- 26/2023
Post Name- Teachers (Class 1 to 5, Class 9 to 10 and Class 11 to 12)
Total Posts- 170461
Upper Age Limit- 37/40/42 yrs
Qualification- B.E/B.Tech/PG Degree/B.Ed./M.Ed./Diploma with other required skills/experience.
Pay Scale- Rs.25,000/31,000/32,000/- per month
Application Fees- Rs.750/- (Rs.200/- for SC/ST/PH/Female Category Candidates).
Selection Process- The selection will be made on the basis of Written Exam and Final Merit List.
How to Apply for BPSC Recruitment 2023- Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post by submitting the application online with required documents and application fees.
Starting Date of Online Application- 15.06.2023
Closing Date of Online Application- 12.07.2023