UPUMS Recruitment 2023 for 338 Posts of Professor, Associate Professor & Assistant Professor
Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah has recently invited application for various faculty positions in different departments on Regular/Contractual Basis. Interested candidates can apply for the post by submitting the application before the last date. For more details, please check the given below post-
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UPUMS Recruitment 2023: Details of Posts, Age, Qualification & Pay Scale
- Post Name: Professor
- Total Posts: 33
- Upper Age Limit: No upper age limit
- Qualification: M.S/M.D or equivalent with a minimum of 14 yrs of teaching experience in the relevant subject in a Government recognized Institute/University. Publications as per latest N.M.C. norms. BCBR and rBCW/ BCMET certificates.
- Pay Scale: Rs.1,59,100/- or Rs.2,20,000/-
- Post Name: Associate Professor
- Total Posts: 103
- Upper Age Limit: 50/60 yrs
- Qualification: M.S/M.D or equivalent with a minimum of 04 yrs of teaching experience in the relevant subject in a Government recognized Institute/University. Publications as per latest N.M.C. norms. BCBR and rBCW/ BCMET certificates.
- Pay Scale: Rs.1,31,400/- or Rs.1,60,000/-
- Post Name: Assistant Professor
- Total Posts: 202
- Upper Age Limit: 50/60 yrs
- Qualification: M.S/M.D or equivalent with a minimum of 03 yrs of teaching experience in the relevant subject in a Government recognized Institute/University. BCBR and rBCW/ BCMET certificates.
- Pay Scale: Rs.1,01,500/- or Rs.1,20,000/-
Total Posts: 338
Application Fees: GEN/OBC/EWS- Rs.1000/-, SC/ST- Rs.500/-
Selection Process: The selection will be made on the basis of Interview Test.
How to Apply for UPUMS Recruitment 2023: To apply, candidates need to submit the application along with required documents and application fees by speed post/registered post to the address given below-
Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah-206130 (U.P.)
Important Dates
Closing Date for 1st Cycle- 31.07.2023
Closing Date for 2nd Cycle- 31.10.2023
Closing Date for 3rd Cycle- 31.12.2023
Closing Date for 4th Cycle- 31.03.2024
Important Links