RIMS Ranchi Administrative Officer and Vigilance Officer Recruitment 2024
Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi has recently invited application for Administrative Officer and Vigilance Officer on a contractual basis for a period of one year, which is extendable by 02 years or till 65 years whichever is earlier subject to the performance of the candidate. For more details, please check the given below post-
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Post Name- Administrative Officer and Vigilance Officer
Total Posts- 02 (Administrative Officer-1, Vigilance Officer-1)
Upper Age Limit- 62 years upto 15.07.2024
Educational Qualification- Graduation in any stream
Eligibility Criteria
(i) Officers of State/ Central Government Ministry/ Department including retired officers.
(ii) Minimum 15 years of experience in Administration Establishment and should have held a post of Dy Secretary or above in Central/ State Government.
(iii) He/She should not be accused officer in any pending enquiry and should have an impeccable track record in terms of integrity.
Pay Scale- Retired Person will get the Pay as per Jharkhand Govt. rules and Working service person of State Govt./ Central Govt./ Semi-Govt. services will get the pay equal to his/her last pay drawn.
Application Fee- GEN/ BC-I- Rs.1000/-, SC/ ST- Rs.250/-
Selection Process- The selection will be made on the basis of Interview.
How to Apply- Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post by sending the application with complete biodata and self-attested copies of all the relevant documents to the address given below by speed post/registered post only and also send a soft copy of the application with the biodata to the email address rimsranchi@rediffmail.com.
The office of the Director, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi-834009
Last Date for Sending the Application- 15.07.2024