UP Revenue Department Bharti 2024 for 11,000 Posts, Check Complete Updates Here
The candidates waiting for the job in the revenue department have good news. The U.P. State Government is soon going to fill out 11 thousand positions in the Revenue Department. Of these positions, 5500 positions are vacant for Lekhpal, 1600 positions for Junior Assistant, 950 positions for Steno, 300 positions for Naib Tehsildar & Other Positions.
390 Posts of Tehsildar, 1500 Posts of Senior Assistant, 800 Posts of Revenue Inspector, and 350 Posts of Administrative Officers will be filled out through promotion. Presently, of the 49,077 accepted positions, only 37,798 are filled and the remaining 11,279 posts are still vacant. In Lekhpal, only 25,500 positions are filled in the 31,000 positions.
To fill out all of these positions, departments will soon release the official notification, so all candidates are advised to keep checking the official website and employment newspaper.