CSIR-CDRI Lucknow Project Staff Recruitment 2024, Apply Online & Walk In Interview

CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute (CSIR-CDRI), Lucknow has recently invited application for Project Staff under different Projects on a Contractual Basis in Two Parts (Part-I Online Interview & Part-II Walk-in-interview). For more details, please check the given below post-

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CSIR-CDRI Lucknow Recruitment 2024: Details of Posts, Age, Qualification & Pay Scale

Post Name

Total Posts

Upper Age Limit


Pay Scale

Part-I: Mode of Recruitment: Online Interview

Project Associate (PAT-I)


35 years

Master's Degree in Animal/ Life/ Biological/ Allied Life Sciences


(a) Rs.31,000/- with 18% HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIRUGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE.

(b) Rs.25,000/- with 18% HRA for other candidates.

Project Associate-I


Master's Degree in Chemistry/ Pharmaceutical Chemistry or equivalent.

Part-II: Mode of Recruitment: - Walk-In-Interview

Project Associate (PAT-I)


35 years

Master's Degree in Life Sciences.

(a) Rs.31,000/- with 18% HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIRUGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE.

(b) Rs.25,000/- with 18% HRA for other candidates.

Project Associate (PAT-I)


M.Sc. in Biological Sciences OR Bioinformatics.

Project Associate-II


Master's Degree in Life/ Biological/ Allied Life Sciences and Minimum 02 years of experience in Research and Development in Academic/ Industrial Institutions.

(i) Rs.35,000/- with 16% HRA for the candidates who are (a) National Eligibility Tests CSIR-UGC NET including (assistant professorship) or Gate or (b) A selection process through National level examinations conducted by Central Government Departments and their agencies and institutions. Rs.28,000+16% HRA for other candidates.

Project Associate-II


Master's Degree in any stream of Life Sciences along with NET/ GATE & Two Years of Research Experience.

Rs.35,000/-+18% HRA

Project Assistant-II (PA-II)


B.Sc. in Chemical Sciences.

Rs.20,000/-+18% HRA

Project Associate (PAT-I)


Master's/ Integrated Master's Degree in Chemical Sciences/ Chemistry.

(a) Rs.31,000/- with 18% HRA for those candidates who have qualified CSIRUGC/ICAR/ICMR NET incl. lectureship/assistant professorship or GATE.

(b) Rs.25,000/- with 18% HRA for other candidates.

Total Posts- 08

Selection Process- Online Interview and Walk-Interview

How to Apply for CSIR-CDRI Lucknow Recruitment 2024- Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post by submitting the application in two parts (Part-I Online Interview & Part-II Walk-in-interview) with required documents and certificates.

Important Dates

(i) Part-I: Mode of Recruitment: Online Interview

Last Date for Submitting the Application Online- 18.11.2024

(ii) Part-II: Mode of Recruitment: - Walk-In-Interview

Date, Time & Place for Interview- 20.11.2024 & 21.11.2024 at 09:00 AM at CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road, Lucknow-226031

Important Links