SPMCIL Recruitment 2025 for the post of Chief General Manager, Salary Rs.1,20,000-2,80,000/-
Security Printing and Minting Corporation of India Limited (SPMCIL) has recently invited application for the post of Chief General Manager on a deputation basis for a period of 03 years, which can be extended as per Govt. rules. For more details, please check the given below post-
Advertisement no.- 07/2024
Post name- Chief General Manager
Total posts- 3
Upper age limit- 56 yrs as on 27.01.2025
Educational qualification- 1st class B.E/B.Tech in Electrical/Mechanical/Metallurgical/Electronic Engineering/Printing Technology/Chemical Engineering/and Paper Technology.
Eligibility criteria- Officers/Executives working in the Govt./PSUs/Autonomous Bodies/Statutory Bodies for the post of CGM in SPMCIL on a deputation basis-:
Govt. Officers holding analogous post on regular basis in Pay level 14 in pay matrix revised as per 7th Pay Commission and PSU Executives in IDA pay scale of Rs.1,20,000-2,80,000/- (revised as per 3rd PRC);
Officers with 2 years of regular service in the Govt. in pay level 13A in pay matrix as per 7th CPC.
PSU executives having 20 years of post-qualification experience out of which 2 years regular service at E-7 level in the IDA pay scale of Rs.1,00,000-2,60,000/-.
Pay scale- Rs.1,20,000-2,80,000/-
Selection process- The selection will be made on the basis of interview and other criteria as decided by the Management Team.
How to apply for SPMCIL Recruitment 2025- To apply, candidates need to send the application with self-attested copies of the relevant documents through proper channel to the address given below by speed post/registered post-
Joint General Manager (HR), Security Printing & Minting Corporation of India Ltd., 16th Floor, JawaharVyaparBhawan, Janpath, New Delhi – 110001
Last date for sending the application- 27.01.2025