UPREAT Law Clerk-Cum-Research Assistant Recruitment 2025, Salary Rs.31,000/- per month
Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Appellate Tribunal (UPREAT) has recently invited application for the post of "Law Clerk-Cum-Research Assistant" on Contract Basis for a period of one year extendable for a maximum period of one more year based on the performance of the candidate. For more details, please check the given below post-
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Post Name- Law Clerk-Cum-Research Assistant
Upper Age Limit- 25 years as on 01.01.2025
Qualification- LLB from any recognized University of India. Should have the knowledge of Hindi & English Languages.
Pay Scale- Rs.31,000/- per month
Selection Process- The selection will be made on the basis of Interview.
How to Apply- Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post by sending the application in prescribed format to the Email Address Reat-appellate@up.gov.in and also sending the hard copy of the application with self-attested copies of the relevant documents to The Uttar Pradesh Real Estate Appellate Tribunal Office by Speed Post/ Registered Post.
Important Dates
Starting Date of Application- 28.01.2025
Last Date for Sending the Application by Email- 10.02.2025
Last Date for Sending the Hard Copy of the Application- 12.02.2025
Important Links