JLNP Mahmudabad Recruitment 2023 for 20 Posts of Lecturer and Computer Programmer
Jawahar Lal Nehru Polytechnic Mahmudbad (Sitapur) has recently invited application for various positions of Lecturer and Computer Programmer on Contractual Basis. For more details, please check the given below post-
Post Name- Lecturer (Physics/Chemistry/Math/English/Electrical Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Electronics Engineering/Computer Science & Engineering/IT) and Computer Programmer/Operator
Total Posts- 20
Age Limit- 21 to 40 yrs
Qualification- (i) Lecturer- 1st Class Bachelor's Degree in the Concerned Area. (ii) Computer Programmer- Graduation with 01 Year Diploma in Computer Application recognized by State/Central Government.
Pay Scale- (i) Lecturer- Rs.21,000/- per month (ii) Computer Programmer- Rs.13,500/- per month
Application Fees- GEN/OBC- Rs.600/- and SC/ST- Rs.300/-
Selection Process- The selection will be made on the basis of Interview.
How to Apply for JLNP Mahmudabad Recruitment 2023- Interested and eligible candidates can apply for the post by sending the application along with the required documents and application fees to the address given below by Post/Hand before the last date-
Principal, Jawahar Lal Nehru Polytechnic Mahmudbad, Mahmudbad- Sitapur
Last Date for Sending the Application- Within 15 days of publishing the advertisement